Kink in the Creek Munch
Kink in the Creek is currently on Hiatus
Watch for future updates
Kink in the Creek Munch Rules
This is a Club Edge sponsored event.
This event is for interacting with other like-minded adults for conversation, exchange of information, and networking.
If you need Vetting to attend a party attending the Munch is a good way.
A Munch isn't a meat market.
A Munch is not a meat market. If you approach someone and they are not interested do not continue to harass them. If you are making people uncomfortable you will be asked to leave.
Do not touch anyone without express permission.
If you have an issue, bring it to the Host immediately.
Do not take out toys without checking with the host.
Casual dress or light kink wear is allowed.
The staff is not fair game to approach regarding kink.
Alcoholic beverages are available, but do not over indulge. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Causing a problem will result in removal and possible banning from Club Edge Events.
Pay your tab.
We are adults, let’s act that way.